Monday, August 14, 2006

Second Acts

At the end of the month I will conclude my almost 15 year career as a professional minister with the Community of Christ. My denomination is in the midst of a corporate downsizing, where over 20% of the worldwide staff have been terminated (or given involuntary or voluntary separation, that is the corporate word for it). It isn't a huge story to the outside world (the KC Star ran a short article), but it is huge within our faith community.

There are those that believe it is one more sign of pending collapse of the organization. There are also those that believe it is amazing opportunity to rethink how the church works. Neither statement is true, but I do believe that if the church (at least at the headquarters level) is to transform its self, it must be willing to engage in some more soul searching and honestly explore dysfunction in our corporate culture.

Right now, I'm hurt, dismayed, baffled and yet somehow hopeful. I think I will end up in a better place in six months than where I am right now. Yet how many of us jump at the opportunity for for extreme personal growth, if we must first endure months of significant pain and turmoil?

I've resisted the urge to blog about this process (for a wide range of issues), but I feel I need to start
Cross posted at

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